The dayside hemispheres of ultra-hot Jupiters are not just extremely hot, they also possess strong temperature inversion layers — an analog of Earth’s stratosphere. We observed the dayside of several ultra-hot Jupiters using high-resolution thermal emission spectroscopy. Here are the summaries:

  • Instruments: CRIRES+/VLT, CARMENES on CAHA-3.5m, HARPS-North and GIANO on TNG
  • Targets: KELT-20b, WASP-33b, WASP-189b, WASP-76b, WASP-18b
  • Temperature structure: inverted temperature-pressure profile
  • Species discovered: Fe, Si, Ti, V, CO, OH, TiO, H2O

Here is a poster on detailed discoveries:


  1. A temperature inversion with atomic iron in the ultra-hot dayside atmosphere of WASP-189b
    (F. Yan et al., 2020, A&A, 640, L5 [2020A&A…640L…5Y])
  2. Detection of Fe and evidence for TiO in the dayside emission spectrum of WASP-33b
    (D. Cont et al. 2021, A&A, 651, A33 [2021A&A…651A..33C])
  3. Detection of iron emission lines and a temperature inversion on the dayside of the ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-20b
    (F. Yan et al. 2022, A&A, 659, A7 [2022A&A…659A…7Y])
  4. Silicon in the dayside atmospheres of two ultra-hot Jupiters
    (Cont et al. 2022, A&A, 657, L2 [2022A&A…657L…2C])
  5. Detection of CO emission lines in the dayside atmospheres of WASP-33b and WASP-189b with GIANO
    (F. Yan et al. 2022, A&A 661, L6 [2022A&A…661L…6Y])
  6. Atmospheric characterization of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33b: Detection of Ti and V emission lines and retrieval of a broadened line profile
    (Cont et al. 2022, A&A, in press [2022arXiv220910618C])
  7. CRIRES+ detection of CO emissions lines and temperature inversions on the dayside of WASP-18b and WASP-76b
    (F. Yan et al., 2023, A&A, 672, A107 [2023A&A…672A.107Y])